Additional Resources
Legal Services of North Dakota is a non-profit organization, providing legal assistance in a variety of matters to low-income and elderly North Dakotans. Help is available by calling these toll free numbers.
Under 60 call toll-free 1-800-634-5263 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday between 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. CST.
Age 60+ call toll-free 1-866-621-9886 Monday - Thursday between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST. Friday between 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. CST.’s mission is to ensure that seniors and their loved ones have the help and resources they need to remain independent and safe in their own homes.
Check out their free guides that cover the programs, services, payment options and providers for senior residents.
The Upper Missouri District Health Unit, serving Northwestern North Dakota, promotes healthy lifestyles through health education, prevention and control of disease, and the protection and enhancement of the environment.
Register for Covid vaccinations
Our easy-to-read guide aims to empower those who qualify for Medicare with the knowledge to help them choose the right plan specific to their needs.
We compare North Dakota Medicare plans and costs and, most importantly, provide local Medicare resources to help residents with any questions they may have.
Provides services that help vulnerable North Dakotans of all ages to maintain or enhance their quality of life.
Sign Up for SNAP benefits
Apply for Health Care Coverage and Other Assistance
Covid updates